Medical Tourism for Leg Arteries

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Many of us have obstructed arteries and are seeking for treatment for this problem in one way or another, but we may be exposed to some obstacles such as lack of adequate medical possibilities, lack of a skilled specialized doctor, and high cost of treatment; So many patients risk travelling for treatment, but what is the best destination to treat arterial blockages? This question may come to mind for most patients suffering from arterial blockages.

Egypt is one of the most famous Arab countries with unique therapeutic tourism in the Arab world, due to the beauty of its picturesque nature and its ancient civilization, as well as its impressive progress in different medical fields, especially in Vascular Surgeries.

This progress was made by Dr. Waleed El-Daly, Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery to offer therapeutic tourism to patients suffering from vascular diseases as arterial blockage, by applying everything that is always newer and selecting the best balloons, stents and wire guides.

Medical Tourism for Arteries:
Medical tourism for patients with blocked leg arteries includes the application of one of the following two steps:
1- Peripheral Arterial Blockage Treatment:
Treatment of Leg Arterial Blockages involves the handling of a narrow artery based on a small thigh slot to reach the blockage position with the help of guided wire, then expanding the tightness of the balloon to provide more space for blood crossing. The procedure may also involve the installation of the appropriate pillar if necessary, those aimed at keeping the blood vessel open, where it settles in the closed area to open the blood vessel and after a period on which new tissue forms and covers it.

The stent is inserted by peripheral catheter and is in compression mode and then flattened in the position specified for it. Dr. Waleed El-Daly's skill is to identify all stents. One of the most important decisions of proper treatment is to identify the following points:
- The patient needs to install the stent according to the degree of obstruction he suffers from.
- To ensure that the patient's general state of health is proportionate to the procedure, where the patient may suffer from chronic diseases that prevent him from undergoing that procedure. This is what Dr. Waleed El-Daly is keen to identify to ensure the full safety of the patient.
- Choose the most suitable stent type and determine the appropriate scale according to the blockage position and size.
- Skillfully install the stent in the blockage position with the help of magnifying images using ultrasound.

2- Change leg arteries:
This treatment method involves the use of another blood vessel from the body or an artificial vessel to perform the functions of the blocked artery.

You can now get rid of blocked leg arteries and avoid complications from cutting the blood supply from tissue, through your therapeutic trip to Egypt, with Dr. Waleed El-Daly, Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery and Treatment of Arterial Obstruction at Cairo University.
